Number of plants planted in the past 10 years (approximately)

Year No. of plants planted (thousands)
Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Total
2013/14 727.8 6183.1 886.6 7797.5
2014/15 650.2 4890.0 455.9 5996.1
2015/16 436.1 5428.9 330.8 6195.8
2016/17 453.6 4786.6 307.4 5547.6
2017/18 453.4 6054.8 203.5 6711.7
2018/19 423.1 5307.4 681.4 6411.9
2019/20 331.5 5552.9 410.5 6294.9
2020/21 290.5 7215.6 1376.9 8883.0
2021/22 310.0 4552.3 767.6 5629.9
2022/23 340.3 4486.0 1051.0 5877.3
Total 4416.5 54457.6 6471.6 65345.7

Number of trees planted in the past 10 years (approximately)

Year Urban areas Rural areas
no. of trees (thousands) % of plants planted in that year no. of trees (thousands) % of plants planted in that year
2013/14 59.6 0.8% 668.2 8.6%
2014/15 104.8 1.7% 545.4 9.1%
2015/16 18.8 0.3% 417.3 6.7%
2016/17 27.1 0.5% 426.5 7.7%
2017/18 57.0 0.8% 396.4 5.9%
2018/19 10.3 0.2% 412.8 6.4%
2019/20 27.9 0.4% 303.6 4.8%
2020/21 19.0 0.2% 271.5 3.1%
2021/22 18.4 0.3% 291.5 5.2%
2022/23 24.5 0.4% 315.8 5.4%
Total 367.4   4049.0