Gist of the Fifteenth Meeting held on 15 December 2014

  1. Members noted the progress of research study in using Trichoderma species to rehabilitate locations contaminated with Phellinus noxius causing Brown Root Rot disease as a preventive measure against the spread of the disease.
  2. Members noted the progress of the 2014 Tree Risk Assessment Management and the various enhancement measures.
  3. Members noted the analysis of tree failure reports consolidated from the government departments and agreed that the database should be consolidated in a common platform for a more comprehensive analysis in future for internal reference.
  4. Members discussed and supported the draft guidelines on tree preservation during construction which would provide comprehensive information on protecting trees in construction sites.
  5. Members welcomed the new vocational assessment for frontline tree workers on the safe use and maintenance of chainsaw and proper pruning and the training programme on pest and disease management.
  6. Members agreed and provided suggestions on the proposed fall protection system for OVT YTM/69 in Kowloon Park.