Gist of the Ninth Meeting held on 18 June 2013

  1. The Tree Support System for OVT LCSD YTM/2 and the proposed planter extension for OVT LCSD YTM/6, YTM/19 and YTM/29 at Park Lane
  2. Pruning of the stonewall trees at Bonham Road
  3. Consultancy study on 'Wood strength assessment for common tree species in Hong Kong'
  4. Management Guidelines on Stonewall Trees
  5. Members agreed to the nomination of an Old and Valuable Tree which was a fused Ficus microcarpa (banyan trees) on Pokfulam Road.
  6. Members agreed to the current treatment of the Brown Root Rot contaminated soil and planter of OVT YTM/8 to 11.
  7. Members were briefed on the Brown Root Rot symptoms on OVT LCSD SSP/14. The health and structural conditions would continue to be monitored.
  8. Members considered that new practices on trenching works such as micro-tunnelling technique or 'no-dig' technology could be developed in Hong Kong so that disturbances of the root system of street trees could be minimised during utility works.